Puzzle Piece Walk through Balloon Arch

Puzzle piece walk through balloon arch Puzzle piece walk through balloon arch 2

Autism Speaks recently held an event downtown Denver at the Marriot.  We provided the decorations and they turned out great.  Here is a walkthrough balloon arch in the shape of their logo.

Be There Balloon Sculptures

fathers who care fathers who care 2

This event was held in Denver City Park.  These logo sculptures of the Be There logo were the hit of the party.  Do you have a logo you want made into balloon sculpturesContact us and let us blow your mind!

Whoooo rrrrrrrr UUUUuu?

Catepillar from Alice in Wonderland Catepillar from Alice in Wonderland 2

The Caterpillar from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland was one of the most difficult sculptures we have ever built.  He stands 12 feet tall at his highest point.  The mushroom was 7 feet accross.  We were pleased how he turned out.  Have a great theme you need some decorations for?  Contact us and let our work amaze you.

Tweedle Dee & Dum from Alice in Wonderland

tweedle dee and dum from alice in wonderland tweedle dee and dum from alice in wonderland 2

These guys were sort of annoying in the movie Alice in Wonderland, but they were huge fun at this party.  They stood almost 6 feet tall.  All of these wonderful decorations were a big hit at this Alice in Wonderland themed party.

Painting the roses red….

Painting the roses red from alice in wonderland Painting the roses red from alice in wonderland 2

These guys are ‘painting the roses red’ from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland.  They were set up in the foyer just outside the main ballroom.  Working with the entire theme of Alice in Wonderland was huge fun.