You just simply can’t have a Alice in Wonderland party without the Mad Hatter!! Here he is in all his splendid glory. Tea anyone? Ohh is it your birthday?!@#$
Tag Archives: sculptures
Special balloon sculptures
Looking at these special balloon sculptures you can only imagine how much fun they brought to the parties and events in the local Denver area. Have a special event or party? Contact us for a special balloon sculpture!
Another Balloon Pirate.. Ayyeeee
Be carefull as you cross this balloon pirate Matey! These balloon pirates literally steal the show. Please give us extra time to create these creative twisted pieces of art.
The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland
Be There Balloon Sculptures
This event was held in Denver City Park. These logo sculptures of the Be There logo were the hit of the party. Do you have a logo you want made into balloon sculptures? Contact us and let us blow your mind!
Whoooo rrrrrrrr UUUUuu?
The Caterpillar from Disney’s Alice in Wonderland was one of the most difficult sculptures we have ever built. He stands 12 feet tall at his highest point. The mushroom was 7 feet accross. We were pleased how he turned out. Have a great theme you need some decorations for? Contact us and let our work amaze you.
Tweedle Dee & Dum from Alice in Wonderland
Lightning McQueen from Pixar’s “Cars”
KaChoWWW! Here is a huge balloon sculpture of Lightning McQueen. He was the lead race car in Pixar’s Cars the movie. Alexander had a great time turning 3!!
Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland
Disney Balloon Centerpieces Final Part
And finally we feature Piglet from Winnie the Pooh ending this series of Disney Balloon Centerpieces. I hope you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to contact us for more ideas for your special event.